Описание к видео Did the CONFEDERACY Have BETTER GENERALS?!?!?!

Episode 7 of Checkmate, Lincolnites! Debunking Lost Cause myths – as well as more benign common misconceptions – about the military leadership of the Civil War. Did the South really have all the best battlefield talent? Was the key to Union victory a simple strategy of overwhelming the Confederate army with numbers and resources? Who was better at their job, Ulysses S. Grant or Robert E. Lee?

I'd say watch and find out, but the answer is obviously Grant.

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[1] Andy Hall. “With One Hand Tied Behind its Back” (2013). Dead Confederates Blog https://deadconfederates.com/2013/11/...

[2] G.S. Boritt. Why the Confederacy Lost (1992). Oxford University Press, Page 39-40

[3] Richard E. Beringer. Why the South Lost the Civil War (1986). University of Georgia Press, Page 8-24

[4] Borritt, Page 24-30

[5] Charles Royster. The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans (1991). Vintage Civil War Library, Page 76

[6] “Lincoln’s Unsent Letter to General Meade.” American Battlefield Trust https://www.battlefields.org/learn/pr...

[7] Eric J. Wittenberg. “A Civil War Witch Hunt: George Gordon Meade, The Retreat from Gettysburg, and the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War” (2015). Emerging Civil War Blog http://emergingcivilwar.com/2015/07/0...

[8] Report of the Joint Select Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, so Far as Regards the Execution of Laws, and the Safety of the Lives and Property of the Citizens of the United States and Testimony Taken (1872). https://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moa/ACA4...

[9] Andy Hall. “Nathan Bedford Forrest Joins the Kl@n” (2011). Dead Confederates Blog https://deadconfederates.com/2011/12/...

[10] Andy Hall. “Confederate Veterans on Forrest: ‘Unworthy of a Southern Gentleman’ (2013). Dead Confederates Blog https://deadconfederates.com/2013/08/...

[11] Edward Bonekemper. Ulysses S. Grant: A Victor, Not a Butcher (2004). Regnery History, Page 89-92

[12] Mary Boykin Chestnut. A Diary of Dixie (1905). D. Appleton and Company, Page 350

[13] Ernest B. Ferguson. “Catching Up With ‘Old Slow Trot’” (2007). Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/histor...

[14] Bonekemper, Page xii

[15] Bonekemper, Page 308-309

[16] Bonekemper, Page 192-193

[17] Bonekemper, Page 201-203

[18] Justin D. Murphy. American Civil War: Interpreting Conflict Through Primary Documents, Vol. II (2019). ABC-CLIO, Page 331

[19] Bonekemper, Page 121 & 243-245

[20] Elizabeth Brown Pryor. Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee Through his Private Letters (2008) Penguin Books, Page 335

[21] Sean Kane. Myths and Misunderstandings: Grant as a Slaveholder (2017). The American Civil War Museum https://acwm.org/blog/myths-misunders...

[22] “Letter from Robert E. Lee to Mary Randolph Custis Lee (December 27, 1856).” Encylopedia Virginia https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entr...

[23] Pryor, Page 144-150

[24] “Ulysses S. Grant and General Orders No. 11” National Park Service https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/ulys...


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