Mytee HP60 Is it strong enough for residential carpet cleaning?

Описание к видео Mytee HP60 Is it strong enough for residential carpet cleaning?

Not just for mobile detail, great for residential cleaning too! it's just you and your portable extractor versus the world, With Mytee's HP60 Spyder you can deliver eye popping,results ANYWHERE. All the heat, pressure and suction you'd find in any pro detail garage arsenal, packed into a size that you can bring straight to your clients. :)

provides 1,200W of inline heat to help loosen up tough grime for easy extracting. Plus, the Spyder runs all of it’s components from a single cord! This makes it easy to find power no matter where you go!

Dang pro wand
  / caltool.mfg  

Attention car detailers and carpet cleaners...
Carpet cleaners dont want you to know this!
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