Towards Transforming Healthcare with General-Purpose AI: Paul Jaeger (DKFZ/Helmholtz Imaging)

Описание к видео Towards Transforming Healthcare with General-Purpose AI: Paul Jaeger (DKFZ/Helmholtz Imaging)

Paul Jaeger, Research Group Leader at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Helmholtz Imaging, gave a presentation titled "Towards Transforming Healthcare with General-Purpose AI on May 23rd 2024 as part of the Visual Intelligence Online Seminar series.


In this talk, I will outline the current challenges of leveraging AI for clinical impact at scale. Focusing on medical image analysis, I will share my journey addressing these challenges, which includes publications at Nature Methods, NeurIPS, ICLR, and MICCAI. The final part will discuss how foundation models may help to overcome existing hurdles and spark an AI-driven transformation of healthcare.


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