Carl Robert Disch 7000 foot blizzard radio noise building, Byrd Antarctic station 1965/05/08 9:15 AM

Описание к видео Carl Robert Disch 7000 foot blizzard radio noise building, Byrd Antarctic station 1965/05/08 9:15 AM

26 year old National Bureau of Standards ionosphere physicist Carl Robert Disch
had walked the 7,000 feet or 2.1 km of handline that ran from the "Longwire ?"
radio noise building south to Byrd Antarctic station 25 times in his 3 months
since 1965/02/??
1965/05/08 in the morning he radioed that he was going on his 26th trip
09:15 AM he left going south
10:00 AM he was noticed as missing
11:30 AM footprints lead south from the radio building
but drifted west towards a runway or skiway 4 miles out
1965/05/14 the 6 day 13 mile search was called off & memorial
services were held in his Monroe Wisconsin home town & in Antarctica

much later it was claimed that McMurdo Station received "AA2 Weather Circuit
messages" that claimed to be him as relayed from from a foreign Antarctic Station in 1971

Antarctic Scientist Wanders, Dies ( WASHINGTON UPI )
A young U.S. scientist doing research in the Antarctic apparently lost his way in a blowing snowstorm and wandered to his death,
the National Science Foundation reported yesterday. The missing man is Carl Robert Disch, 26, of Monroe, Wis.
A spokesman said Disch was missing from Byrd Station in the Antarctic and is ‘presumed lost.”
The temperature at the time of his disappearance was 45 degrees below zero, with blowing snow pushed by 35-mile winds.
Disch was operating a small radio - noise substation slightly more than one mile from the main station Saturday and radioed that he was returning to the main station.
A hand-line connects the two installations so that scientists making the short trip do not lose their way.
The spokesman said Dischhad made the trip at least 25 times in the past but apparently dropped the handline and lost his way in the snow.
Search parties were sent out 75 minutes later and followed his tracks for four miles before the snow obliterated them.
The spokesman said floodlights had been rigged up and flares were being fired every hour both to aid in the search and in the hope that Disch might see them if he survived the cold.
Disch, who is single, began his work at the scientific station Feb. 9. His job was to monitor radio noises of all sorts from space.

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