My Hair Transplant Experience - Day 7 | The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

Описание к видео My Hair Transplant Experience - Day 7 | The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

I made a little video documentary to be able to have a recorded history of what you can expect in the first week after the Neograft FUE Hair Transplant procedure.

This is Day 7 of the process, June 15th/ 2016.

I have done my best in these following videos to present the facts as well as the expectations as legitimately and truthful as possible. I hope that every one of our potential hair transplant patients will be able to benefit from this in some way.
So, this was pretty much the end of the road for me as far as the healing process was concerned. I was basically “out of the woods” at this point.
On day 7 I actually went outside and mowed the lawn, did some yard work, washed the car and played with the baby all with no issues as far as the grafts were concerned. So this was a bit of a breakthrough day because I got sweaty, bent over and did some physical activity without any worries about hurting the progress of the transplant or without worrying about not feeling up to it because I was still recovering from the process.
By this day, I was pretty much running at about 85%. I was right back to “normal” save for some swelling that was still lingering and some scabbing still in the transplant areas.
You can see by the video though how good the donor area was already looking just in the first week and how the transplanted area doesn’t even look that bad. Now that you can also get that pre-op fade haircut from Miami Fades before the procedure, you won’t have to even worry about the stupid haircut that I had to wear for those two weeks.
I was outside in the sun and heat for most of the day and I did get a little sweaty but it was not an issue. I did make sure to invest in a loose fitting hat for when I did go outside after the transplant. If you are ever going out in to the sun make sure that you do wear a loose fitting hat to protect the transplant area. You do not want to get a sunburn on this area especially as it will lower the take rate of the transplant. Sunscreen and any kind of protection from the sun at all times is just good advice to follow at all times I think.
So overall for Day Seven: This is most likely going to be your last day off before you need to get back to work. (For those of you that decided to take the full week off) You should have no issue getting back in to your regular routine and can even start doing some light physical activity by the end of week 1. Have a loose fitting hat and sunscreen available for when you are out in the sun. This is the end of the worst of it. The worst of it was not too bad at all. Eazy Peazy Lemon Squeazy!

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic
70 Yorkville Avenue, Suite 32
M5R 1B9
Phone: (647) 351 0061


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