I tried Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living Challenge

Описание к видео I tried Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living Challenge

I tried Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living Challenge.
Learn more here:

The link goes to my wife's Arbonne page. If you're interested in buying the products and do so from her link, we'll certainly appreciate it, but you can also get products from the general website (I think, or maybe not).

Arbonne is a multi-level marketing business and I know this upsets some people. I am proud to use their products though, knowing that they are a B-Corp company, don't test on animals, focus on creating sustainable products (all the packaging is recyclable) and the stuff tastes amazing.


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#arbonne30day #30daystohealthyliving #30daychallenge #givingupcoffee #detoxdiet #docuvlog


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