I was wrong about Nancy (Hauptwerk)...listen to Widor's Toccata again

Описание к видео I was wrong about Nancy (Hauptwerk)...listen to Widor's Toccata again

My first impressions of Hauptwerk Nancy weren't the most positive, but I was proven wrong. On release day and after ‪@beautyinsound‬ 's recital, I was entirely convinced that this sample set is worth getting. It ain't cheap though! It's rival Caen is cheaper but it's also a smaller instrument. Both can hold their own in their own rights. Why not get both if choosing is a problem? Can you help me buy food? I spent it all on the sample set haha! Links to support my channel are below—thanks!

Nancy: https://piotrgrabowski.pl/nancy/
Caen: https://www.sonusparadisi.cz/en/organ...

Business enquiries: [email protected]

To support my channel or for further information: https://linktr.ee/james_flores


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