Gouken - Combos/Resets/Cross-Ups by Rikk

Описание к видео Gouken - Combos/Resets/Cross-Ups by Rikk


-The demon flip dive after the far roundhouse can be a little tricky to time right
-Goukens j.lk works the same as Ryu's. You can only combo either a lp or a lk after a cross up, but you can combo a cr.hp if it hits in the front
-st.hp - hk.tatsu whiffs on Guile, Makoto, Rose, Blanka, Fei Long and Guy (Only st.hp - lp.tatsu and EX tatsu works on these)
-The cross under after the cl. standing hk works on all characters, but it is harder to time on Zangief, T.Hawk, Sagat, Seth and Hakan
-You can also cancel the parry to Ultra 1, but I was not able to do it
-st.mp - cr.hp - hp.Palm works on all characters
-I did not do any combos with Ultra 2 because I prefer Ultra 1

If you know anything else, feel free to tell me. :)

Gouken vs Ryu Theme
Balrog SF4 Theme


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