PCT ‘23 Oregon with Shenanigan.

Описание к видео PCT ‘23 Oregon with Shenanigan.

It was a heavy Snow year and my business flooded. I accepted the fact that my start at the Mexico boarder date was unrealistic. I decided to instead do the North half of the Pacific Crest Trail. I began my hike near Chester CA close to the mid point and hiked north. After hiking alone for over 300 miles I met Beverly ‘Shenanigans’ at Crater Lake, OR. From then onwards all the way to WA she and I were hiking buddies. We had similar schedules we were both early risers and did the same mileage. It was nice to share the spectacular views, trail hardships, camp meals, swims in alpine lakes, night hawk calls and town food and so much more with someone.
I decided to create this video to capture our collective trail experience.


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