Texas ranks 4th in anti-Asian incidents; how to stop the hate

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Texas ranks 4th in anti-Asian incidents; how to stop the hate

Racism is nothing new, but until recently there were rarely headlines about discrimination against Asians in America.

Since the pandemic started, there have been several incidents of Asians across the country being attacked, threatened and blamed for the coronavirus. That includes in Texas.

In San Antonio, an Asian restaurant was graffitied. "Go back 2 China" was written on the wood. The words "Kung Flu" were sprayed on the windows.

According to Stop AAPI Hate, between March 2020 and February 2021, more than 3,795 incidents of Anti-Asian hate were recorded. At least 103 of those incidents were in Texas.

"Texas also has 20% of the cases that are physical assaults," said Dr. Russell Jeung, co-founder of Stop AAPI Hate. AAPI stands for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Dr. Jeung said, "There's been a surge of racism. There's been an increase in hate crimes and overall blatant racism and racist policies."


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