【牛鰍魚紅蘿蔔粟米排骨湯】🐠補脾益胃👍紅蘿蔔青蘿蔔湯🍲家庭滋潤湯水 清熱 簡單 滋潤湯水 Carrot sweet corn soup with flathead fish and pork ribs

Описание к видео 【牛鰍魚紅蘿蔔粟米排骨湯】🐠補脾益胃👍紅蘿蔔青蘿蔔湯🍲家庭滋潤湯水 清熱 簡單 滋潤湯水 Carrot sweet corn soup with flathead fish and pork ribs

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 排骨頭,清水洗乾淨,擎乾水。
2. 牛鰍魚,刮乾淨魚鱗,清除內臟,清水沖洗乾淨。
3. 粟米,去皮,清水洗淨,切開幾舊。
4. 紅蘿蔔,去皮,洗淨,切細舊。
5. 鮮淮山,洗乾淨表皮,戴上手套,輕手刨去皮,切大舊。
6. 無花果,清水浸。

1. 淮山、粟米、紅蘿蔔及排骨,放入煲內,加入清水4升。
2. 加入無花果,大火煲滾。
3. 湯滾起後,轉中火。
4. 另一邊,大火在鑊中燒熱油1湯匙,放魚落鑊,轉中慢火煎香。
5. 魚煎至金黃色,反轉繼續煎。
6. 魚兩面都煎至金黃色。湯,轉大火滾起,放魚落煲,轉中慢火,煲2小時。
7. 湯,已煲了2小時,轉大火再煲10分鐘,熄火。
8. 完成,可享用。

Carrot sweet corn soup with flathead fish and pork ribs

Flathead fish 1 catty
Pork ribs 1 catty
Carrots 2 Nos.
Sweet corn 3 Nos.
Fresh yam 1 log
Dried figs 5 Nos.

1. Pork ribs, rinse with tap water, hang dry.
2. Flathead fish, get it scaled, remove its intestines. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Sweet corn, remove its skin. Rinse thoroughly, then cut in several pieces.
4. Carrots, get them peeled. Rinse, then cut into small pieces.
5. Fresh yam, rinse its skin. Put on a pair of gloves, peel it lightly, then cut into big pieces.
6. Dried figs, soak in tap water.

1. Fresh yam, sweet corn, carrots and pork ribs, put in pot, add water 4L.
2. Put dried figs, heat up at high flame.
3. The soup, turn to medium flame after it boils up.
4. On the other side, heat up oil 1 tbsp at high flame in wok. Put fish into wok, fry at medium~low flame.
5. Fish has been fried in golden yellow. Flip it over, continue frying.
6. The fish, two sides have been fried into golden yellow. The soup, turn to high flame, put fish in pot. Turn to medium~low flame, cook for 2 hours.
7. Soup, has been cooked for 2 hours, turn to high flame, cook for 10 minutes more. Turn off fire.
8. Complete. Serve.

滋潤湯水 牛鰍魚 補脾益胃


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