Battery Storage: Enabling Cross Sector Energy Transition - 2023 LES Conference

Описание к видео Battery Storage: Enabling Cross Sector Energy Transition - 2023 LES Conference

Energy storage is key to the transition away from fossil fuels towards local, clean, low-costs energy resources that support the economy, community vitality, and environmental quality. Innovations in battery technology enable the shift in electric demand to off-peak periods, deferring expensive transmission and distribution investments, integrating large amounts of intermittent renewables, while also enhancing resilience. This session will explore the application of batteries across sectors of the economy and the policy changes needed to optimize this resources potential.

MODERATOR: Chris Skoglund, Clean Energy NH.
PANELISTS: Amy Findlay, Eversource Energy; Ari Jackson; Glenvale Solar; Sarah Jackson, Form Energy; Pierre Denis, EnerSys; and Yasmin Tayeby, Champlain Energy Systems.


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