Can ayurveda help treat Kidney Failure? - Dr. Mini Nair

Описание к видео Can ayurveda help treat Kidney Failure? - Dr. Mini Nair

Kidney failure or renal insufficiency is a condition in which a person’s kidney suddenly becomes non capable of throwing the waste away from the body. This can happen suddenly. There are some reasons like sudden circulation reduced towards the kidney leading to shrinkage of the kidney or if there is any obstructions in the urinary tract or retention of urine causing puffiness and oedema to the legs. This condition happen to people who are having long standing or uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension or chronic smokers or in case of acute infections or people indiscriminately using pain killers or multi vitamin tablets. These are some of the causative factors. It can happen suddenly, there can be lack of appetite, lack of concentration, sudden puffiness happening to the face and the legs or reduced output of urine or frequency has increased or there is blood in urine or if the urine is foaming. See whether the creatinine and blood urea is at abnormal level. Usually this leads to dialysis or kidney transplant. In ayurveda there are various herbs that work at the preventive as well as curative level. There are herbs like punarnava which is potent diuretic and helps in clearing the water retention that has happened and also helps in rejuvenating the cells of the kidney along with Gokshura which is also a potent diuretic. This along with Palasa which is a natural alkaliser also helps in combating the condition and help in rejuvenating the kidney to normal. This can be given alone or in combinations like Brihatyadi kashayam, Bokshura mandura, Punarnava mandura, Goksharadi gulgulu, these are some of the combinations that will help. Maintenance is very important. We need to maintain the level of sugar, avoid the intake of pain killers, if there are smokers they need to prevent all this. Maintenance of oral hydration is also very important. Avoid sodium and salt intake. There can be a load of potassium. Food rich in proteins like non vegetarian food has to be avoided. So taking care of diet and along with medicine I am sure that you can control this condition to large extent.


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