Oliver & Felicity My Wish

Описание к видео Oliver & Felicity My Wish

In this video, I chose to go back to the time when it was Ray Palmer to show that the more things change, the more they remain the same. The same undiluted chemistry, the same intense stares and glances, the same way they're always in sync, the same way every piece of her fits perfectly with every part of him. Olicity overcomes! They have found there way back from broken hearts, a league of assassins, an immortal tyrant, betrayl and broken trust and still they rise. So let not your heart be trouble Olicity fans for there is no reason to loose hope our otp is like a phoenix, they rise from the ashes of every terrible situation that befalls them, they rise anew and much stronger all the more for it.
I say all that to say, i'll start worrying about Billy or the next guy when Oliver and Felicity no longer look at each other the way they do now, when she doesn't get a look of disappointment when he says he's totally fine with her seeing someone else, or when he no longer cares if what she has with that someone else is real. I'll start worrying when they stop being Olicity


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