Top 5 Graduate Scholarships for MS in the USA | Study Abroad Scholarships

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Top 5 International Scholarships for STEM Graduate Students | Study Abroad Scholarships

Click on this link for a ChetChat Masterclass on the Top 5 International Scholarships for STEM Graduate Students and Study Abroad Scholarships. Watch for Top 5 International Scholarships for graduates wishing to pursue MS or PhD in stem subjects like science, computers, math, engineering. Full scholarship programs and scholarships including stem scholarships. Watch to find out how to find scholarships for stem students and some international scholarships for stem

The top 5 scholarships include

1. Knight Hennessy Scholarships for Stanford University - Knight-Hennessy Scholars is the largest fully endowed scholars program in the world. It is a Full Scholarship including tuition fee and living costs. It covers Any graduate degree at Stanford, all masters and PhD programs, as well as joint- and dual-degrees

They are looking for Independence of thought, purposeful Leadership, Civic Mindset. Scholars who can out-think, out-work, and out-care others. You can apply during your final year of your bachelor's degree or within four years of completing your bachelor’s degree. Application Process includes
• Knight-Hennessy Scholars application
• Form for Stanford Graduate school
• Standardised tests as applicable – GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT etc
• English proficiency tests – IELTS / TOEFL

2. Gates Cambridge Scholarship - 2 year research based MS/MLitt Programs, 1 year PG course (e.g. Mphil, MBA, LLM etc.), PhD (3 year research only), Medicine based / part time / non degree courses not eligible.
What are they looking for - Academic excellence, Leadership Potential, Commitment to improving lives of others, A good fit with Cambridge. The award includes Tuition Fee, Cost of living GBP 17,500 p.a., One economy airfare and Visa and health insurance costs

3. Google Scholarships, For Computer Science and Engineering Students –
Google Generation Scholarship - A group of undergraduate and graduate students will be chosen on the basis of academic background, leadership, diversity. The award includes 10,000 USD or 5,000 CAD. Eligibility includes - Enrolled in a full time graduate or undergraduate program currently, Intend to be enrolled in a full time graduate program in the US or Canada and Pursuing a degree in Computer Science or computer engineering

Women Techmakers scholarship - Similar scholarship for women in technology. Intend to study in US, Canada, Asia Pacific or Europe in Bachelors, Masters, PhD. The award is 10,000 USD or 5,000 CAD or 7,000 Euro

4. The American Association of University Women (AAUW). Which degree is covered – Masters, PhD and Post Doctoral Research. The award includes Master’s/first professional degree: $18,000, Doctoral: $20,000, Postdoctoral: $30,000. What are they looking for - The program must involve at least one year of research, Looking for potential leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, the arts, and sciences. Commitment to return to their home countries. Financial Need

5. Generous Universities in the USA for graduate and post graduate programs in Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Harvard, MIT, Caltech, NYU, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Amherst, Brown University, Columbia University, University of Chicago

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