Training - "My Projects" section

Описание к видео Training - "My Projects" section

Hello, Teachers! 👋

Welcome to this quick tutorial video on the "My Projects" section of our platform. In this video, we’ll guide you through the essential features: from creating a project to certifying it, making it public, and sharing it with other colleagues. Each main functionality is divided below, so feel free to jump to the parts that best suit your needs:

Platform Tutorial:

00:00 - "My Projects" Section Overview
05:58 - How to Create a Project
11:56 - What’s Inside My Project?
14:14 - Overview
15:52 - Board
17:46 - Teachers
19:23 - Students
21:50 - Resources
25:15 - Certificates
26:48 - Public Project ON/OFF
27:08 - Share Project Link
27:28 - Schedule a Meeting
28:33 - How Does a Complete Project Look?
31:55 - How to Accept a Project

We hope this tutorial helps you navigate and utilize our platform's features effectively. Enjoy exploring "My Projects"!


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