From Meters to Mobility: Rethinking Parking in Cities

Описание к видео From Meters to Mobility: Rethinking Parking in Cities

Parking reform is on the rise as cities consider repealing their off-street parking minimums or pricing their on-street parking. To ensure that parking supply and demand are appropriately balanced, cities must think about parking as a holistic ecosystem, and one that has significant implications for the larger transportation network. However, on and off-street parking is often not managed and regulated by the same city agency, leading to misalignment and inefficiencies.

In this webinar, panelists discussed their cities’ visions for parking and the programs and policies that support that vision. The webinar also featured a brief overview of takeaways from ITDP’s newly launched publication, The Opportunity of Reforming Parking. Access ITDP’s recently launched Off-Street Parking SCOPE tool here and learn how to estimate the possible impacts of parking reforms in your city.

Moderator: Dana Yanocha, Senior Research Manager, ITDP Global

Charles de la Chevrotière, Executive Director of Business and Mobility Strategies, Agency for Sustainable Mobility of the City of Montreal
Stanley Chanzu, Urban Planner, ITDP Africa


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