How to use Hydrogen Peroxide for Household Disinfection ? In Hindi

Описание к видео How to use Hydrogen Peroxide for Household Disinfection ? In Hindi

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Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a household disinfectant due to its antimicrobial properties. Here's a guide on how to use hydrogen peroxide effectively:
Select the right concentration: Hydrogen peroxide is available in different concentrations, typically ranging from 3% to 6%. For household disinfection purposes, 3% hydrogen peroxide is commonly used and readily available.
Surface preparation: Before disinfecting, clean the surface with soap and water to remove dirt, grime, and debris. This step is important as hydrogen peroxide's disinfecting properties work best on clean surfaces.
Protect yourself: Wear gloves and ensure proper ventilation when using hydrogen peroxide to minimize skin contact and inhalation of fumes.
Apply hydrogen peroxide: Pour or spray the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the surface you want to disinfect. Ensure the area is thoroughly wetted with the solution.
Allow contact time: Let the hydrogen peroxide sit on the surface for at least 5-10 minutes to allow it to work as a disinfectant. This contact time helps in killing bacteria, viruses, and some types of fungi.
Rinse or wipe if necessary: Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen, so rinsing or wiping the surface after the contact time is optional. However, if the residue or odor is bothersome, you can rinse the area with water or wipe it with a clean cloth.
Store properly: Hydrogen peroxide should be stored in a cool, dark place, tightly sealed, and away from heat sources or direct sunlight to maintain its potency.
Remember the following precautions when using hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant:
Hydrogen peroxide may have a bleaching effect on some materials or surfaces. It's advisable to test it on a small, inconspicuous area before using it on a larger surface.
Do not mix hydrogen peroxide with other cleaning agents, especially chlorine bleach, as it can create hazardous chemical reactions.
Keep hydrogen peroxide out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion.
While hydrogen peroxide is effective against many common household pathogens, it may not be as potent against certain resistant bacteria or viruses. For specific concerns or highly infectious situations, it's advisable to use disinfectants recommended by health authorities.
Always follow the instructions on the product label and exercise caution when handling any cleaning or disinfecting agents.


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