The quick and easy cuss-free way to raise your mast on a daysailer.

Описание к видео The quick and easy cuss-free way to raise your mast on a daysailer.

I'm new to sailing, just started this spring (5/2015) and one of the things that confounded me most was how to rig and raise my mast. I had dozens of books over the winter on sailing but I never came across anything on the basics like rigging and raising. I asked a few people that I knew that sailed but they were busy get their own boats in the water and there wasn't a whole lot on YouTube or other places on the internet. So, I stitched together what I could find and a few ideas I gathered here and there and came up with this. It's a fairly straightforward and simple system to use on a small sailboat where the mast isn't too heavy but you still need some assistance in getting the mast up.


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