Diamond Painting | Starting the BIG Sort Out and Tidy Up of Craft Room | Christmas Craftermath

Описание к видео Diamond Painting | Starting the BIG Sort Out and Tidy Up of Craft Room | Christmas Craftermath

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by . Today’s video is the start of my after Christmas Craftermath tidy up

My Contact Details :

Buy a Cup of Tea for LizHarrison-Scottiedogcrafts

email me at : - pauliz2002@yahoo.co.uk

Facebook : Liz scottiedogcrafts Harrison -   / maisie.daisy1  
Facebook Group : Scottie Dog Crafts - Diamond Painting
  / 1582819471981897  

Instagram : Scottiedogcrafts -   / scottiedogcrafts  

Discount Codes
GBFKE - Liz10 for 10%Discount at https://www.gbfke.com/
Onedaysaving – Liz05OFF for 5% Discount at https://www.onedaysaving.com
Beebeecraft – Scottie10 for 105% Discount at https://www.beebeecraft.com
WISKF – LizHarrison05off for 5% Discount at https://www.wiskf.com
OutdoorTide - Liz5OFF for Discount at https://bit.ly/3sefgjD
Newcraftday - Liz10 for 10% Discount at https://cutt.ly/3wgnH5Qh

Spare drill storage solutions ideas designed by Rebecca Warburton Add More Zest : details below
Website: https://addmorezest.com
YouTube :   / 4kidsat147diamondpaintingscrapbooking  

If you’d like to keep up to date with all the fun, please subscribe to my channel, and press the bell to be notified about new videos. I'd love you to join us :)

May you have the strength and humour of a Scottish Terrier as you travel the journey of life!

Doggie Charities I support
STECS Scottish Terrier Emergency Care Service: http://stecs.net/

Many Tears Animal Rescue:

YouTube Friends – Please check out their channels ,show some love and Subscribe 😊 Thank You 😊
Becky's Diamond Bling -    / @beckysdiamondbling  
Crafting With Kay -    / @craftingwithkay  
Diamond Painting with Sweet T -    / @diamondpaintingwithsweett  
Diamond Painting Gamer -    / @diamondpaintinggamer  
Diamond Painting Nerd -    / @diamondpaintingnerd  
Diamond Paintings With Mike -    / @diamondpaintingswithmike  
Diamond_painting_ Tm -    / @diamond_painting_tm-tessa  
DiamondPeta -    / @diamondpeta  
Ditsy Diamond Painter -    / @ditsydiamondpainter4555  
Emma Casey loves crafts -    / @emmacaseylovescrafts2313  
knits4sanity -    / @knits4sanity  
Lady Mawa -    / @ladymawa  
Mindy's Diamond Moment -    / @mindysdiamondmoment  
MUTTNUTT'S CRAZY WORLD -    / @muttnuttscrazyworld  
Pencil Surprises -    / @pencilsurprises  
Teresa's Journey -    / @teresasjourney  


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