Pro tips part 2 Audio Video New Construction Pre-wire Home Theater TV In-wall In ceiling speakers

Описание к видео Pro tips part 2 Audio Video New Construction Pre-wire Home Theater TV In-wall In ceiling speakers

This is part 2 of 2 videos were I go over some basic pro tips on pre-wiring your new construction home for low voltage wire. I go over installation of pre-construction in-wall and in-ceiling speaker brackets and how to place them in your theater room. I also give you some basic tips for in-wall speaker wire and in-wall cat5 cat6 and coax cabling. This is a basic overview only. This video does not go over every detail of the install. I do recommend consulting a professional installer for a more detailed analysis of your particular installation. Also, some states may have restrictions for low voltage wiring, so check your states regulations before attempting to do the wiring yourself.
I have wired many homes this way with great success.
Enjoy the video and I hope you learn something that will help you on your installation.
Until next time, keep dreaming!

My web site and contact info:
[email protected]
or leave a comment on the video
Planned equipment for this install include TDG Audio in-wall and in-ceiling speakers, Anthem receiver, Rotel amplifier and Paradigm tower and center channel speakers.
If you have any questions on any of the equipment, hit me up!

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