What's Changed? Seestern V3 Doxa SUB 300 Homage Comparison AliExpress Watch Review

Описание к видео What's Changed? Seestern V3 Doxa SUB 300 Homage Comparison AliExpress Watch Review

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I didn't get paid for this or any of my reviews. The 'Paid Promotion' tag only shows when I got a watch for free, or at a discounted price.

Here's the review of the Seestern V3 Doxa SUB 300 homage watch.

Here's a link to the watch on AliExpress:
(Don't forget the discount code 'HWR for $20 off $200 spend)

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#Seestern #DOXAHomage #SUB300Homage #AliExpress #HonestWatchReviews


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