11 Games found around the internet adapted to work with the Arduino LCD Keypad Shield.

Описание к видео 11 Games found around the internet adapted to work with the Arduino LCD Keypad Shield.

1. Tromino – a Tetris type game. Game play and some game logic used from dzimboum’s Triscal game (https://github.com/dzimboum/triscalino). Tetris theme music sketch by electricmango (https://github.com/electricmango/Ardu....
2. Poseur Blocks – a very impressive tetromino game by alexzen (https://github.com/alexzen/poseur-blo.... What I like about this game is that alexzen was able to create a 32x6 grid. This means he had to recreate the 8custom characters per frame. Programmers for the Atari 2600 had to do something similar to get more than 2 player objects on the screen. Remember the flickering?
3. Tetris – an Arduino version by numeric that makes very good use of the custom characters (https://hackaday.io/project/10761-tet....
4. Jumping Game – a Fun little one-button game by joshua.brooks (http://www.instructables.com/id/Ardui...) .
5. Helicopter – Another one-button game, this one written by Kevin Loney (http://makezine.com/2013/03/11/arduin....
6. TruckLane - Truck dodging game by TheRealDod (http://www.instructables.com/id/Truck....
7. Zombie Showdown – Yet another one-button game, this one written by Markus Ulfberg. I hope you have spare tactile switches (http://genericnerd.blogspot.co.za/201....
8. Hunt the Wumpus – a Recreation by dmalec of the late 70s game where you have to find the “Wumpus” in a network of rooms (https://github.com/dmalec/Hunt-The-Wu....
9. The Lonely Cottage - Text-Based Multi-Choice Adventure Game by WarmCat. This is a fun text adventure with a good story. Maybe not that practical on a 16x2 LCD. This was by far the most effort to adapt for the 16x2 display. (http://www.instructables.com/id/Text-...)
10. Snake – The classic snake game written by boti12boti. How I miss my Nokia 5110 :P. (   • Arduino + 16 X 2 LCD Keypad Shield Sn...  )
11. Hangmanduino – a Hangman game written by Dan Wagoner (   • Hangmanduino  ).

Here is a single zip file containing all the adapted sketches - http://dade.co.za/wp-content/uploads/... . Now also on GitHub https://github.com/dadecoza/arduino-l...


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