⏰ 📅 (PART 2) 영어 시간 표현⚡️ [ 실시간 온라인 영어학원 ]

Описание к видео ⏰ 📅 (PART 2) 영어 시간 표현⚡️ [ 실시간 온라인 영어학원 ]

지난 실시간에 이어서 오늘도 우리가 늘 쓰는 시간 표현을 몇 가지 같이 연습할게요


How long until the class ends?
towards the end of the year

start to : 의도나 목적의식 같은 것이 없이
그냥 자연스럽게 일어나는 일
I wanted to do better in school,
so I started to study hard. -- X
so I started studying hard.

It started to rain. -- O
It started raining. -- O

The videos are about 10 minutes long.
영상들은 10분 정도 되는 길이다.

The meeting went on for about 10 minutes.
회의가 10 분 정도 되는 길이였어.

그 영화는 두 시간 반 정도 해.
The movie is about two and a half hours long.

discussion 은 1시간 정도 이어 갔어.
The discussion went on for about an hour.
(The discussion lasted for about an hour.)
discussion 은 1시간 정도 걸렸다.
The discussion took about an hour.

I talked to a friend on the phone earlier today.
The call took about an hour
The call went on for about an hour
The call lasted for about an hour

I did some work today.
I went to work today.

It took an hour to get here.
It took me an hour to get here.

It takes about half an hour. (일반적인 사실)
It takes me about half an hour.
(나의 경우 30분 정도 걸린다.

It usually takes me about 5 minutes to
take a shower.

My commute takes about 20 minutes.
I have about a 20 minute commute

It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work.

After I lie down on my bed, it takes me less
than one second to fall asleep.

After I sit at my desk, it usually takes me
about an hour to start studying.

tomorrow / today / tonight / yesterday /
this morning / last night / next week
earlier / later
later today : 이따가 (later)
sometime today

earlier this evening : 아까 (저녁에)

I talked to her on the phone + 아까 / 좀 전에
earlier + this evening
later tonight
My wife and I are going to have a snack
later tonight.
later this week
I'm going to do some mediation
later tonight before I go to bed.

earlier this year / later this year

여기서 일한 지 2년 됐어요.
It's been 2 years since I worked here.
It's been 2 years since I started working here.

이곳으로 이사한 지 5개월 됐습니다.
It's been 5 months since I moved here.

2월에 이사했으니까, 거의 5개월 됐네요.
I moved in February, so it's been almost
5 months. ( Fe - ber - ary )

나 한 5분 전에 도착했어.
Q: 오래 기다렸어? / 늦어서 미안하다.
Have you been waiting long? /
Sorry for being late.
It's OK. I got here about 5 minutes ago.
I arrived about 5 minutes ago.

한 1주일 있으면 도착할 거야.
I arrive / I'm going to arrive / I'm arriving
in about a week.

It's going to arrive in about a week.


PART 1 링크 :
   • ⏰ 📅 (PART 1) 영어 시간 표현⚡️ [ 실시간 온라인 영어학원 ]  

🤝 채널을 후원하고 추가영상도 보세요!
   / @la-tdlr  

🔥 정리/복습 채널 :
   / @la-clips  

☕️라이브아카데미 네이버 카페 :

#영어회화 #실시간 #영어강의


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