River using new flip sop in Houdini 19.5

Описание к видео River using new flip sop in Houdini 19.5

In this video we gonna look at new flip sop solver in #Houdini 19.5

This brand new flip solver is based on volume and folks at #sidefx announce this new flip with cool future and in this with you were going to look at some of them

This flip solver is actually simple to use and we have this nodes:

Flip container: you need this with every simulation you do

Flip boundary : basically it's flip source

Flip collider : it's used for colliding

#Flip solver : main solver

I hope this quick trip will assist you with your project

‎00:15 - ‏ Create a stream source
‎01:21 - ‏ Set up collider
03:21 - Upres the simulation in certain area
‎06:22 - ‏ Meshing using VDB
‎09:00 - ‏ VDB from particle fluid
‎09:36 - ‏ Blending two VDB mesh
‎10:38 - ‏ Transfer the data from the particle to mesh

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