🤯 Elite Dangerous Money Making Guide - How to AFK to Billions in Elite Dangerous Odyssey

Описание к видео 🤯 Elite Dangerous Money Making Guide - How to AFK to Billions in Elite Dangerous Odyssey

This is the complete how to AFK to Billions in Elite Dangerous Odyssey money making guide.

Now that you have seen the how to afk your way to billions in Elite Dangerous Odyssey interview I had with theBlitz. Let me show you exactly how to do it with this handy little AFK Elite Dangerous money making guide.

First let's talk about builds. The smallest ship you want to try to do this with will be a Krait MK2 with heavy engineering and a ship launched fighter with a really good NPC pilot.

You can also do this in an Anaconda but It will be MUCH better done in the Type 10. You can use the 420 build or the main type 10 build featured in the description of both videos.

The main reason why the Type 10 works so well is because of the sheer volume of hardpoints it has. When your SLF and your ship decides to fire, most of the pirates pop very quickly in the Low Res Site.

Once you have settled on a ship and build you will want to find the perfect location. In a nutshell you just need to find a low resource extraction site anywhere in the bubble.

Now that you have your low res site nailed down every surrounding star system near the system that has the low res in it will have massacre wing and solo pirate missions for your system.

Let me quickly describe how to properly wing mission stack. This will always guarantee you are making the most money possible while afking or actually playing Elite Dangerous.

The trick is to check every star system near your res system. Land on every station and check the missions boards for pirate massacre missions of a single faction type like purple hand pirates or something.

In order to get the missions to stack you can only accept one massacre mission per mission giver.

If you do it this way every single pirate you kill will count for every single mission at once, instead of one kill per mission. Most of the wing missions are under 30 - 45 kills. You will complete every single mission you have stacked while sleeping or working

You want to try to stack as many missions as possible. This means waiting for the boards to refresh at each station you visit. In most cases when you are grabbing missions, you can get two complete board flips. Understand that the mission boards refresh every 10 in game minutes. If you get to a station at say 7:34 you can quickly check the boards. Wait until the in game clock ticks over to 7:40 then check again for a new mission selection

Something that’s worth noting is that you get MANY more massacre missions once you have max faction with the mission givers. So in the beginning just stack any massacre pirate missions you can find from the nearby systems. This is just so you can build your faction with the mission givers as fast as possible if you need to. If you have extra money laying around you can also do donation missions to speed up the process.

Before you head out check the commodity boards and buy anything you want. Make sure to fill your hold all the way. Even though you have tons of point defense on your ship it’s still possible that a hatch breaker limpet can occasionally get through. The main thing you need to understand is you need bait to attract the pirates to trigger your ship and SLF to auto kill them out of defense of your loot. So if you run out of bait you are done afk farming pirates.

The next thing you will want to think about is the quality of your SLF NPC pilot. I believe theBlitz’s pilot was the rank of dangerous at the time. There is a MASSIVE difference between npc levels when it comes to their effectiveness Commanders. So the higher rank your SLF NPC the better!

It’s now time to head over to your low res site. Once you pop into the instance fly towards the center on the site. Make sure you are high enough above the rocks to ensure your point defense has a clear shot to defend your cargo. Your position is kind of key.

Once in position take all your power from your engines then put it into weapons and shields.

Set your turrets to fire at will on your ship.

Launch your SLF and set it to fire at will.

Turn your crime report off so you don’t call in extra space police!

It goes without saying but do this in solo or in a private group.

You are now ready to go afk. You can either sleep, go to work or grab a bite to eat. Your ship and SLF will take care of any pirates that decide to try to hatch break into your cargo.

When you get back to the game you can now head back to the stations to cash in your mission rewards as well as turn in all your bounties for the pirate kills. You can now go play the game and have fun knowing you just made several hundred million on autopilot.

🤯 Here is a recommended build even though I did a test with NO Engineering on the T10. https://bit.ly/2Q7QiPZ

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