Small Log Cabin in the Woods Built with Your Own Hands

Описание к видео Small Log Cabin in the Woods Built with Your Own Hands

Hey, everybody!
My friends and I went into the woods to build a small log cabin. First we brought dead dry logs to our construction site.
After that we removed the bark from these logs. Otherwise, the wood can start to rot if the bark is not removed.
Next we started stacking the logs on top of each other. Between the logs we laid moss, which is very abundant in our forest. It is an excellent insulator for the logs.
When we made the desired height of the house we started to build the ceiling and the roof. We made the boards for the roof also from logs, with the help of a chainsaw. To prevent the ceiling from leaking heat, we first laid moss on it6 and poured a lot of sand on top. This way the heat from the log cabin will not go away quickly. We installed an iron wood stove in our cabin. Inside the cabin we made furniture to sleep on.
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