Youtube poop: Mario Head goes Insane

Описание к видео Youtube poop: Mario Head goes Insane

after mario sings his song and does a "victory dance" he gets bored and hungry and wants to tell the princess that he always wanted to type. Just watch. this is my first youtube poop.

Update: Thanks for everyone who rated this and left comments. I got 1,005 views now! thanks. Please look at my other videos.

Update: WOW! 1,201 views! it's not much compared to others, but it amazes me how many people like this... or click this by accident. I'm glad that everyone is enjoying it. if you have ideas, you can leave them in the comments, but i won't promised that they will be used in a youtube poop like this. depends if i ever make another one, my computer is running weird and isn't working so i can't put new videos on here.

ANOTHER EDIT: since people keep asking me what the song i use in the credits, it's called: Rock'n Temple II Zelda 2. here is where to download it:
OMG 10,000+ VIEWS!!! THANKS EVERY1! wow, i never imagined this video would have more than 3,000 views... thanks a lot!

Update 8/19/2010: wow, this is something i never expected to happen. 100,000 views. i'm truly at a loss for words. thanks for your views! i'll hopefully have some new videos comming soon!


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