Virtual Native Plant Garden Tour: Artist’s Garden

Описание к видео Virtual Native Plant Garden Tour: Artist’s Garden

Marvey’s Chico, California garden of mostly California native plants is an ever-changing artist’s palette. Designed for wildlife habitat and low water consumption, it features: all season color; California native plants used by pollinators and birds; and plants with growth forms appropriate for specific locations. Hear how Marvey has improved her yard as she gains experience and as conditions and uses of space change.

Native plants provide nurturing habitat for birds, pollinators, and other wildlife. Many native plants need less water, fertilizer, and maintenance than plants from other climates.
Ann Elliott of Mt. Lassen Chapter - California Native Plant Society (CNPS) videoed several gardens in spring 2018 to share the beauty, variety, and enjoyment of including California native plants in landscaping. Find the other videos by searching for “Virtual Native Plant Garden Tour” or by subscribing to Ann’s YouTube channel. Find more information on California native plants and gardening with them at:


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