Explorer Pauper Ladder - Week 4

Описание к видео Explorer Pauper Ladder - Week 4

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4 Treasure Cruise (KTK) 59
4 Obscura Storefront (SNC) 252
4 Maestros Theater (SNC) 251
8 Snow-Covered Island (KHM) 279
3 Snow-Covered Swamp (KHM) 281
3 Contentious Plan (WAR) 46
1 Whisper of the Dross (ONE) 117
4 Experimental Augury (ONE) 49
4 Vraska's Fall (ONE) 116
4 Anoint with Affliction (ONE) 81
4 Prologue to Phyresis (ONE) 65
1 Disfigure (M20) 95
2 Radiant Fountain (M21) 248
1 Infectious Inquiry (ONE) 97
3 Bring the Ending (ONE) 44
4 Blightbelly Rat (ONE) 85
1 Candy Trail (WOE) 243
4 Consider (MID) 44
1 Dismal Backwater (M20) 245

1 Dead Weight (SIR) 106
4 Dispel (BFZ) 76
1 Spell Pierce (NEO) 80
1 Bring the Ending (ONE) 44
3 Disfigure (M20) 95
3 Negate (M20) 69
2 Extract a Confession (MKM) 84


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