Check and Double Check | Amos and Andy

Описание к видео Check and Double Check | Amos and Andy

Check and Double Check - Amos and Andy situation where they try to succeed in the open air taxi business.

Check and Double Check (1930)
Director: Melville W. Brown
Writers: Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby
Stars: Freeman F. Gosden, Charles J. Correll, Sue Carol
Genre: Comedy
Country: United States
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 1930(New York City, New York)
Filming Location: RKO Studios - 780 N. Gower Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA(Studio)

Typical Amos 'n Andy storyline has the boys trying to make a go of their "open-air" taxi business while they get caught up in a society hassle, involving driving musicians to a fancy party. All the regular characters are here (or mentioned), including the famous Mystic Knights of the Sea. The only film appearance of radio's long-running characters.

"Different individuals are going to have different interpretations of Amos and Andy. I prefer to look at them as individualistic characters and not simply as racial stereotypes. I find Amos Jones especially compelling. I've listened to the surviving radio episodes (it's so sad that so many of the early one's are missing, but check out the excellent work of Elizabeth McLeod for insight into the early days of the program), I've watched the television series (the first sitcom to feature an all African-Amrerican cast), and now I've seen the 1930 film Check And Double Check. I prefer the radio and TV series, but there are moments in Check And Double that really tickle my funny bone and tug my heartstrings.

Some may see Amos' feelings for Mr. Williams as a racist stereotype, but I don't personally interpret that scene in that way. I know that Amos' father Elijah spent a great deal of time away looking for work and he died in a mining accident. I also know that Amos' mother Sarah died of overwork. It's therefore very moving for me to witness Amos' grief in Check and Double Check for yet another a parental figure who has passed away. Gosden is extremely effective in that scene. It's heartbreaking. I also admire Amos' altruism and actually cheered for him as he strove to save the day in the movie. Amos Jones has heart and soul. He's an underdog hero to me.

Amos and Andy are often comedic, but they are far more complex than just simplistic stereotypes. That's one of the reasons why they remain so controversial. It is also why they remain so beloved by fans of various races. Fans who watch Check And Double Check as just one small part of a much larger character study may appreciate the movie the most. Check And Double Check doesn't have the same magic that the radio and TV series had (Hollywood added too many unnecessary moments with original characters not based on the Amos and Andy program) but the film does offer a glimpse at the early days before the altruistic Amos matured into a far more comfortable city dweller, a more successful business man, a devoted husband, and a loving father. It took time for Amos to get used to life in the big city, but he always had a heart of gold and I greatly admire him.

The Christmas episodes of the Amos and Andy radio and TV series are my favorites. Give them a look or a listen. Childress and Gosden were both wonderful as Amos. Those who are interested should definitely watch the documentary Amos And Andy: Anatomy of a Controversy. Look up Elizabeth McLeod on the internet too. Her research into Amos and Andy is educational and extremely impressive. I recently read that there is an off-Broadway play entitled "Kingfish, Amos, and Andy" too. Can't wait to see it!"
written by "Starrett" on


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