Prince Tennis Strings - Natural Gut 17g

Описание к видео Prince Tennis Strings - Natural Gut 17g
Another one of natural gut strings from Prince, the Natural Gut 17g is a benchmark tennis string for quality and tension hold. If you are looking to add power to your strokes, go for the Prince Tennis Strings Natural Gut 17g. You can use it as a standalone string or in combination with other strings, which ever suits you better. Performance wise, the Natural Gut 17g is one of the most powerful tennis strings available from Prince.
The Prince Tennis Strings Natural Gut 17g is made from natural gut and blends in power, control, spin with superb comfort. The Natural Gut 17g differs from the Natural Gut 16g in gauge size. Like the Natural Gut 16g, the Natural Gut 17g too is coated with a resistive element that enhances the resilience and durability of the string. The coating further protects the string against moisture and humidity and prevents it from snapping.
Available in a gauge size of 17g, 1.25mm and length 40 ft, the Prince Tennis Strings Natural Gut 17g is the string of choice of many professional tennis players. If you want more power, try the arm friendly Natural Gut 17g from Prince.


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