サロマ湖のホタテガイ養殖の概要(An overview of Scallop Cultures in Lake Saroma)

Описание к видео サロマ湖のホタテガイ養殖の概要(An overview of Scallop Cultures in Lake Saroma)

Scallop cultures can be classified into three types: hatchery cultures, nursery cultures, and bottom cultures. Hatchery cultures are the fisheries in which scallop spats are cultivated for one year for the nursery or bottom cultures. Scallops spawn around April. After spending a planktonic phase, they settle in a spat bag around May and then they metamorphose into a juvenile. The collected juveniles grow to around 6 mm in length by around August and are placed in a pearl net. Around September, they grow to around 15 mm and are placed in other pearl net with a larger mesh. Around May of the following year, the scallops advance to the growout stage in nursery or bottom cultures. After additional one and a half years of cultivation, they grow to over 10 cm and are ready to be sold.

Photo: Aquaculture Fishery Cooperative of Lake Saroma
Editing: Balanced Ocean Operations Department, Ahn Hyojin

Related course: Scallop Cultures in Lake Saroma


ホタテガイには大別して稚貝養殖、育成養殖、地まき増殖の3種類の増養殖方法がある。稚貝養殖は育成養殖や地まき増殖の種苗を1年かけて育てる漁業である。ホタテガイは4月頃に産卵し、浮遊幼生の期間を経て5月頃に採苗器に付着したのち、変態して稚貝となる。採集された稚貝は8月頃に6 mm前後まで成長しザブトン籠に収容される。9月頃には15 mm前後に成長し、更に目合いの大きいザブトン籠に収容される。翌年5月頃に育成養殖や地まき増殖の種苗となり、さらなる1年半程度の育成を経て10 cm以上に成長し、出荷される。

編集 バランスドオーシャン運用部 安孝珍



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