Chess Strategy Lesson: Exploiting a space advantage! - English Opening (

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Instructive game tags: Correspondence chess game, pieces developed beind pawns creating greater flexibility, ability to move forward and gain space because pieces behind pawns, contrast of pieces and pawns relationship, how to exploit a space advantage, getting an attack later on the opponent's king, d4 to blunt c5 bishop and threatens to trap bishop on b6, a6 allowing bishop retreat, bishop pushed to a7, possibility of completing shutting out a7 bishop if black had played dxc5, immediate f4 could have been stalled with h5, g4 timing to prevent h5 from black, preventing opponent using central square to exchange off pieces, controlling central square important to prevent opponent simplifying, shutting down other bishop too, key central square control, opponent can only react, opponent has passive position, symmetry where whites pieces are more flexible have more space and better central control, pin looks nasty but can be tactically resolved with crafty re1 move exploiting key forcing moves, winning material even after h6 was played, crushing example of using a space adantage in a controlled way preventing counterplay from the opponent

Instructive Game quality tags: : instructive, enlightening, helpful, illuminating, useful, educational, educative, explanatory, informational, instructional, annotative, informing, guiding, influential, teaching, elucidative, revealing, significant, edifying, uplifting, beneficial


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