SC2 Co-Op Rifts to Korhal ▏ "Fright night" Arcturus Mengsk GamePlay [Prestige : Merchant of Death]

Описание к видео SC2 Co-Op Rifts to Korhal ▏ "Fright night" Arcturus Mengsk GamePlay [Prestige : Merchant of Death]

Difficulty : Brutal
Prestige - Advantage
Equipped Troopers activate a self-destruct mechanism in their weapons upon death.
Trooper weapons cost 40 minerals and 20 vespene gas.
Prestige - Disadvantage
Troopers no longer drop weapons.
Imperial Intercessors are unavailable.
Weekly Mutation : Fright night
Trick or Treat (-) : Civilians visit your Candy Bowl looking for treats, which are generated by spending minerals. If no treats are available, the civilians randomly transform into enemy units.
Afraid of the Dark (-) : Vision provided by all sources is extremely limited except when in view of your camera.
Hope You Enjoy My Video!


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