1st Battalion The Queen's Regiment Disbandment Part 2

Описание к видео 1st Battalion The Queen's Regiment Disbandment Part 2

Farewell Parade 1992


The centrepiece of the celebrations was the farewell battalion parade at which the Colonel of the Regiment took the salute. Led by the Albuhera Regimental Band and its incomparable Corps of Drums, the battalion, formed into four Guard Companies, marched onto parade and received its Regimental Colour for the last time.

Then came a departure from the usual sequence of events. The Colonel's Colour was marched on and handed into the Colonel of the Regiment's care until such time as it should be passed on to the new regiment.

Immediately after this ceremony, a banner or Fahnenband commemorating the battalion's service in Germany since 1945 was presented on behalf of the German Federal Minister of Defence. Thereafter the parade resumed the usual format. The battalion marched past in line in slow and in quick time , advanced in review order and gave its Colonel a General Salute.The Chaplain then read the regimental Collect and gave a blessing, after which the Colonel of the Regiment addressed the battalion. Finally the battalion marched off parade for the last time. As it did so the Band struck up "Soldiers of the Queen" and spontaneously, the men of the battalion began defiantly to singthe words of the old song.

Parade Commander- Lieutenant Colonel AC Mieville
Second-in-Command - Major JDK Russell
Adjutant - Captain JPS Wright
Regimental Sergeant Major - WOl (RSM) RP Grenfell
Ensign to the Regimental Colour - Liutenant TJ Richardson
Ensign to the Colonel's Colour - Captain (QM) MC Bernier
B Company (Kirke's) - Major LR Edwards, W02 (CSM) IL Hall
Support Company - Major GF Bourne, WO2 (CSM) AC Irvine
C Company - Major SPB Kilpatrick, W02 (CSM) DL Fisher
HQ Company - Major AM Goulden, W02 (C SM) RA Jacobs

WOl (BM) IR Peaple
DMaj S Barden

All Disbandment parade footage courtesy of Lt-Gen Jonathon Riley


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