Driving through Ashland, Ohio

Описание к видео Driving through Ashland, Ohio

Ashland was laid out by Daniel Carter in 1815. Ashland was originally called Uniontown, but in 1822 the city was compelled to adopt a new name because another city in Ohio was already named Uniontown. The new name of Ashland was selected by supporters of the Kentucky congressman Henry Clay, from Ashland, his estate near Lexington.

Later, "Henry Clay High School" was considered as a name for what is now known as Ashland High School.

In the mid-1800s, Ashland pioneers traveled to Oregon, naming a settlement after the town.

In July 2015, Ashland celebrated its bicentennial with a month of community events, the annual Balloonfest, and a Fourth of July parade estimated to have had 10,000 to 12,000 in attendance. Entries included the Budweiser Clydesdale, local businesses, veteran groups, antique tractors, and many community groups.


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