(EN/FR-sub) My Son is Sick but Keeps on Drinking [법륜스님의 즉문즉설 제 1644회] 아들이 몸도 안 좋은데 술을 자주 마십니다

Описание к видео (EN/FR-sub) My Son is Sick but Keeps on Drinking [법륜스님의 즉문즉설 제 1644회] 아들이 몸도 안 좋은데 술을 자주 마십니다

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#자식걱정 #위수술 #술문제
#alcoholic #surgery #debt

저는 39살 둔 아들 둔 엄마예요
위가 많이 안 좋다는 결론을 받고 집에 와서 작년 2월 말경 돼서 위 수술을 했어요
자기도 마음이 괴롭고 그래서 그랬는지 술을 자주 먹었어요
여기저기서 자꾸 돈을 빌려가지고 쓴 거예요
아픈데 신경 쓰면 안 되겠다 싶어 돈을 해 줬어요

I am a mother of a 39-year-old son.
After being diagnosed with a stomach condition, he had a surgery last February.
He drinks frequently since the surgery, so I told him to stop drinking.
He says he won't drink, but he keeps on drinking.
I also found out he borrowed money from many people.
As a mother, I feel frustrated. He doesn't listen to me.
I don't know what to do. I would like to ask you for your advice.

(FR) Je suis la mère d'un fils de 39 ans.
Après avoir été diagnostiqué comme souffrant d'une maladie de l'estomac, il a été opéré en février dernier.
Il boit souvent depuis l'opération, et je lui ai donc dit d'arrêter de boire.
Il dit qu'il ne boira plus, mais il continue à boire.
J'ai également découvert qu'il avait emprunté de l'argent à de nombreuses personnes.
En tant que mère, je me sens frustrée. Il ne m'écoute pas.
Je ne sais pas quoi faire. J'aimerais vous demander conseil.

Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

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