Beyond Words: Reaching Supreme TRUTH -- Non-Dual Brahman

Описание к видео Beyond Words: Reaching Supreme TRUTH -- Non-Dual Brahman

The sages of ancient India admitted that the supreme reality lies beyond the scope of words, yet they used words -- not to reveal that reality, but to negate everything else in a highly systematic way, leading one to discover of that reality.

The non-dual reality called brahman is nirguna, free from attributes, nirakara, formless, nirvishesha, free from qualities. Therefore, words (shabda) cannot reveal it, Yet words can lead you to discover it through a process of superimposition and negation (adhyaropa apavada) as described by the traditional story about locating a particular star in the sky, Arundhati, by going from star to star. Arundhati darshana nyaya.

Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit. For more information, please see:


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