Lethal Company - An Overnight Success

Описание к видео Lethal Company - An Overnight Success

I, Doktor Skipper. Will discuss how one man outsold Activison's Modern Warfare 3 in the month of christmas with the game Lethal Company that has tons of monsters and cool stuff.

( reupload )



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Lethal Company is a horror video game developed and published by Zeekerss. It was released on Steam for Microsoft Windows on October 24, 2023.
You are a contracted worker for the Company. Your job is to collect scrap from abandoned, industrialized moons to meet the Company's profit quota. You can use the cash you earn to travel to new moons with higher risks and rewards--or you can buy fancy suits and decorations for your ship. Experience nature, scanning any creature you find to add them to your bestiary. Explore the wondrous outdoors and rummage through their derelict, steel and concrete underbellies. Just never miss the quota.

All copyright in the video is for entertainment and Education purposes


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