How to recover lost data from broken USB flash drive

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How to recover lost data from broken USB flash drive
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USB flash drives have become the go-to for backing up and transferring data. They're small, portable and compatible with almost any computer. While they might seem invincible, they do break and wear out. When this happens, all the important data you have stored on it is not recognized anymore.

This doesn't mean your data is gone for good. Data recovery is possible on a broken flash drive. In many cases, the problem is just a damaged connector. From poor design to regular wear and tear, damaged connectors are fairly common. With the right tools and knowledge, you can repair the broken USB connector and recover your lost data.

The Recovery Process

Before you start, ensure you have a clean area to work and plenty of light. The first step is to gently pry the plastic casing apart to reveal the connector. You should quickly be able to tell if the connectors are damaged. If they are lose, crooked, disconnected or bent, the connectors need to be repaired. The connectors allow the device to be read by a computer.

Use a small knife to pry the plastic enclosure at the seam and remove the printed circuit board. Once removed, use the edge of a knife to scrape away the coating on the board to expose the copper underneath. Only a small amount needs to be exposed in order to add new connectors.

Add a small bit of solder to the exposed areas. Add solder to the new connector pins or the old ones if you're able to reuse them. Connect a short wire (the shorter the better as it makes it easier to solder on to the board) to each connector pin.

The next step is to attach the wires to the board. Start with the two outside wires and align them with the two outside copper areas. Solder the wires in place. Cut the excess wire off to avoid any shorts.

Once the outer wires are connected, attach the two inner wires the same way. For best results, use tweezers to hold the wires in place while your solder them. Once again, cut any extra wire off.

Recover Data

Instead of connecting the USB flash drive to a computer, use a USB extension cable. This makes it easier on the new connections. If the connectors work correctly, you'll see the LED light on the USB board blink once it's connected to a computer. Copy all data from the drive onto your computer.

If you use HDD Recovery Services, we'll upload the data to our servers for you to download at your convenience.

We'll Handle The Work For You

If you're not comfortable doing the recovery yourself or if you attempted it and the USB flash drive still doesn't work, contact HDD Recovery Services by clicking the lower right corner of the screen in our video. Our experienced data recovery technicians will repair the connector in our main lab in Ottawa, ON.


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