Adro Middle Size Soccer Robot from Iran

Описание к видео Adro Middle Size Soccer Robot from Iran

Omni directional mobile robots have been popularly
employed in several applications especially in soccer player robots
considered in Robocup competitions. However, Omni directional
navigation system, Omni-vision system and solenoid kicking
mechanism in such mobile robots have not ever been combined. This
situation brings the idea of a robot with no head direction into
existence, a comprehensive Omni directional mobile robot. Such a
robot can respond more quickly and it would be capable for more
sophisticated behaviors with multi-sensor data fusion algorithm for
global localization base on the data fusion. This video has tried to
focus on the research improvements in the mechanical, electrical and
software of the robots of team ADRO from Iran. The main
improvements are the new strategy framework,
mechanical structure, Omni-vision sensor for object detection, robot
path planning, active ball handling mechanism and the new kicker
design, and other subjects related to mobile robot.


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