Should you sell or trade-in your "Lemon" vehicle?

Описание к видео Should you sell or trade-in your "Lemon" vehicle?

If you bought a new “Lemon” vehicle and are experiencing too many defect problems you might be wondering, “Should I trade out of or sell my ‘Lemon’ vehicle prior to pursuing a Lemon Law or breach of warranty compensation process?”

The short answer is, No! Absolutely not!

Here’s why…

We’ve had consumers come to us with rock-solid Lemon Law or breach of warranty cases, but when we find out they sold or traded out of their vehicle before contacting us, we have no choice but to decline the case. Other consumers sabotage their cases by selling or trading out of their vehicle during the Lemon Law resolution process. The reasons are understandable. Sometimes one thing after another keeps happening with the vehicle and the repeat repairs become an intolerable inconvenience.

Unfortunately, the sale or trade in of your vehicle prior to a Lemon Law resolution will cause you to lose your case before it’s even started. Here’s why—in order to have your vehicle bought-back or replaced under the Lemon Law, you must retain legal ownership of it, so the vehicle can be returned to the car company (via its local dealer). If you sold or traded out of your vehicle, you no longer have it to give back to the company, which means you’ve destroyed your Lemon Law claim and your chances of receiving the compensation the law entitles you to.

Keep in mind this silver lining. The more repairs you have, the more time in the repair shop, the stronger your case and the harder it is for the other side to defend against it. Because of that you increase you chances of getting a Buyback, Replacement or Higher Cash Compensation, so if you can be patient and bear with the process despite the continuing problems, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

If you feel that it is absolutely necessary to trade or sell your vehicle while the Lemon Law claim process is ongoing—such as if it’s a major safety issue and you can’t afford another vehicle—you should notify your attorney ahead of time so that he or she can try and negotiate a Cash Compensation settlement before you get rid of the product. Once you have a signed settlement agreement for Compensation, you can safely get rid of your vehicle while waiting for the settlement check.

For more Arizona Lemon Law information visit or call Amar Law Group for a Free Case Evaluation at (480) 237-2744.


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