WE COULD HAVE USED FLEXIBLE CONDUIT... BUT WE DIDN'T - Industrial electrical installation

Описание к видео WE COULD HAVE USED FLEXIBLE CONDUIT... BUT WE DIDN'T - Industrial electrical installation

This video brings together all of the conduit skills we've demonstrated in our conduit bending series.

A practical application installing an external Scame GRP Advance 16A socket back to our Schneider Acti9 distribution board.

Of course we could have used flexible conduit or an SWA cable. However we think the full metal conduit install gives a much neater finish.

00:00 Scame industrial socket installation
01:06 Scame 16 amp socket
01:51 Measurement for the back of bend technique
02:33 Important to position the conduit correctly
03:15 Tipp-Ex marks
03:37 Is it square and the correct length
04:24 Moment of truth
05:01 20 mm hole in the trunking
05:42 drilling at right angles
07:11 Measure piece number 2
07:48 Treading conduit
08:31 Measuring the double set
09:33 Bend at 30 degrees
09:50 Making the second bend for the double set
11:05 Position the second mark for the double set
12:00 Confirming the set measurements
12:26 Cooking with gas
13:30 Terminal box measurement
14:18 Back entry terminal box
14:35 Rapid saddle
14:55 Pop rivet
15:24 Long nipple
17:01 Long nipple completed
18:02 Zinc spray
18:41 Preparing the socket ack box
19:32 Mounting the enclosure
20:38 Connection and correct torque settings
22:23 Continuity of the CPC and polarity

== AD =========================================
FEATURED - Scame Advance GRP Socket

🔦 More conduit videos from eFIXX
Series produced in association with
Metpro - Conduit and accessories
👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/metpro
Bend-it-now - Conduit Bender
👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/bend-it-now
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