How can your calling help pull you through your story?

Описание к видео How can your calling help pull you through your story?

It’s easy to try and live “backwards.” It’s easy to look at what has happened and let all the what if’s consume your thoughts.

What if this didn’t happen? What if I didn’t do this? What if I went a different direction?

And it can be easy to get stuck in a cycle of guilt and regret when you start to believe you could have changed your story in some way.

But sometimes God puts a call on our life, and while it may not end the way we think it should, He has a plan for us.

And when tragedy strikes when we are answering God’s call, it's important to go back to what brought us to that place in the first place.

How can your calling help pull you through your story?

Your calling can help you pull you through your story when it comes to pain. By going back to what God has asked you to do, you can find the strength to keep going even when tragedy or difficulties come your way.

Being in the center of God’s will may not feel like the safest option sometimes, but it is always the most fulfilling.
Pre-order the Nothing is Wasted: A True Story of Hope, Forgiveness, and Finding Purpose in Pain at and find out how your calling can help guide you towards purpose in your pain.


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