Understanding Quartz Crystal Resonators

Описание к видео Understanding Quartz Crystal Resonators

Quartz crystals are used in huge quantities in all sorts of electronic equipment. They are used as very high performance resonators in everything from radios, transmitters and the like to computers, clocks and very many other electronic items. They are often used as clock oscillators in digital circuits or in RF circuits as resonant elements for oscillators and filters. They're really useful and very cost effective for what they are.

In this video I describe what quartz crystals or quartz crystal resonators are and how they can be used very effectively in electronic circuits of all sorts.

Quartz crystal resonators made from crystals quartz and there is naturally occurring quartz, but for use in electronics, the crystals have to be very high grade, and almost exclusively they are grown synthetically to provide the very high quality required.

The video moves on to look at some quartz crystal resonator elements, both in an older crystal and a more modern electronic component.

The video also looks at the parallel and series resonant modes and also discusses the load capacitance required for the parallel resonant mode.

Some basic crystal oscillator and filter circuits are also examined and discussed to give an insight into their operation. There are various oscillator modules including TCXO, VCXO, and OCXO that can be obtained.

More information so you can understand about quartz crystal resonators can be found at: https://www.electronics-notes.com/art...

Information about the operation and vibrational mechanisms:

Information about how to specify a quartz crystal: https://www.electronics-notes.com/art...

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