The Far Out Ones: Johnny Collinson

Описание к видео The Far Out Ones: Johnny Collinson

See Johnny's full Far Out Ones athlete feature:

REI presents Far Out, the new ski and snowboard film by Teton Gravity Research. There’s a dual nature to Johnny Collinson. Some may see the motorcycle-riding, Red Bull athlete. Others, the technically gifted skier and mountaineer who summited Everest at age17. And gifted is an understatement. While you were taking the bus to the zoo for your childhood field trip, Johnny was climbing the seven summits. While most skiers fit into either a freestyle category, mastering tricks, and spins, or big mountain chargers, sending cliffs and mountains with nuclear speed, Johnny can and frequently does both. He survives off of chicken tenders and Coors Light, but will always be the first and fastest up the boot pack. You can’t put him into a box, and that’s what makes him so successful, but also wildly underrated. We caught up with Johnny to hear about his fall and what we can expect for next winter.


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