Secret Greenhouse: Abbas was found by Noorbakhsh and Amir

Описание к видео Secret Greenhouse: Abbas was found by Noorbakhsh and Amir

Hello friends, welcome to our channel. In this enlightening video, on a hot summer day, inspiration came to the house with haste and anxiety. He had important and urgent news from Abbas, which he should convey to the Amir as soon as possible. When he reached the door of the house, the woman's breath rang the doorbell. Elham opened the door with surprise and saw Nurbakhsh standing in front of him with a serious and excited face.

Noorbakhsh impatiently said: "Elham, I have news about Abbas, one of my friends has seen him, but before explaining more, I have to talk to your father." Elham worriedly invited him inside and went to his father Baba Amir to inform him.

Hearing Abbas's name, Amir hurriedly came to Nurbakhsh and asked: "What happened Nurbakhsh, where is Abbas?" After a moment of silence, Noorbakhsh said softly: Abbas is in a remote greenhouse, I can take you to him, but I have to take some money as a bribe to show him his exact location.

Amir, who was mixed with worry and happiness, without a moment's hesitation, gave Noorbakhsh some money and said: Just take us to Abbas. Elham, who was sparkling with worry in his eyes, impatiently waited for them to leave.

Nurbakhsh led Amir and Elham to a remote greenhouse. When they reached the greenhouse, Noorbakhsh indicated to them that Abbas was there. They carefully entered the greenhouse and after a little search, they found Abbas in a corner.

Abbas, who was shocked to see them, refused to return with them at first. But when he saw how happy Elham and his father were to see him and how sad they were not to see him, his heart calmed down. Elham said to Abbas with tears in his eyes and a happy smile: We missed you very much, Abbas, please come back with us.

Seeing so much love and affection, Abbas decided to return to the hut with them. He looked at Noorbakhsh who had brought them here and said with a grateful smile: Thank you Noorbakhsh.

On the way back to the hut, Abbas decided to buy sweets and some food for the children. He wanted to make this return a small celebration and make his friends happy. When they reached near the hut, the children were very happy to see Abbas and hugged him.

There was joy and laughter among the children. They gathered around Abbas and happily asked him where he had been and what he had done. Abbas also told them about his adventure with a smile and enthusiasm. The children, who enjoyed listening to his stories, asked Abbas to always be by their side and never leave them alone.

These sweet and memorable moments showed the deep bond of friendship and affection between the children. Abbas's return to the hut not only brought happiness and peace to everyone, but also reminded them that friendship and companionship are the most valuable assets in life. Stay with us until the end of this video. The continuation of this video will be broadcast at 16:00

Finding Abbas
#Return of Abbas
#greenhouse door
#Happiness of children
Inspirational father
#good memories
#Ashk Shogh
#sweet moments_
#cry of joy
#Friendly story
#The story of the greenhouse


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