Antikythera So Far... Crow's Nest 004

Описание к видео Antikythera So Far... Crow's Nest 004

Pr0nogo and Veeq7 break down the progress we've made on Antikythera, our custom engine, in the month of January 2023. We also discuss a bit about our motivations to create good games, where videogames are as a medium, and some functional philosophy we've gravitated towards over the years.

Crow's Nest playlist:    • Crow's Nest  
Also available on podcast apps via anchor:

Our channels:
   / @pr0nogo  
   / @veeq7  

Links discussed:
Cosmonarchy BW -
Pr0nogo's substack -
Pr0nogo and Veeq7's ko-fi page -
ko-fi introduction video -    • The number three is GIVING BACK!  
An old video on "process over product" -    • By Design - Process Over Product  

Visit The No-Frauds Club!
Discord server:   / discord  

0:00:00 Welcome to the show!
0:00:51 Blender's dumb UI
0:11:54 Unifying disparate assets into a coherent art style
0:15:31 Antikythera - networking and multithreaded pathing
0:23:11 Ambiguity and functional philosophy
0:33:40 We don't have masterpieces in the videogame medium
0:38:31 Custom engine? More like "engine layer"
0:47:33 Hidden content, dynamic content, and what sets ours apart
1:03:48 A quick summary of what's left before the pitch
1:06:59 Some thing is better than no thing
1:10:42 As you are on the path, the path appears
1:12:02 We would like to make many games
1:18:36 Final thoughts, some shout-outs, and teasing the next episode

#podcast #gamedev #RTS


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