健脾养胃的食物有哪些 朱立 北京中医药大学东直门医院

Описание к видео 健脾养胃的食物有哪些 朱立 北京中医药大学东直门医院

健脾养胃的食物有哪些 朱立 北京中医药大学东直门医院

What are the foods for invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach
In fact, there are a lot of food for invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, In the case of grain, For example, lotus seeds, rice, rice and millet are good food for nourishing the stomach, And Gorgon fruit, job's tears, According to the patient's condition, if you are partial to damp heat, you can use raw job's tears, If the spleen and stomach are Yang deficient, fried job's tears can be used, It's also good for cereal and vegetables, yams and poria. In addition, there are better ones that can nourish the stomach and Yin, For example, lily is also a good stomach nourishing food and medicine.


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